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About EBS

Motivational Speakers

European Speakers Bureau

European Speakers Bureau is the leader in Europe for providing Speakers, Motivational Speakers, Orateurs, Conferenciers and Presenters for Conferences and Corporate Events world-wide. As a full service speakers bureau, we offer unrivalled access to Europe's leading authorities in the fields of Business and Politics.

We are committed to providing the finest research, consultancy and advice to our clients.

The speakers we put forward are at the forefront of their respective fields and at the height of their careers. We aim to anticipate the future and understand what it means to your business. We also aim to provide the highest level of support and service throughout the process of sourcing and booking a Speaker.

To discuss your requirement for a speaker further please contact our representative office in Brussels:

European Speakers Bureau


phone +32 (0)2 646 13 83

fax +32 (0)2 646 41 73

Rue Americaine 221, 1050 Brussels Belgium

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Motivational Speakers, European Speakers, Orateurs, Conferenciers

Latest European Speakers News European Speakers - Global Affairs European Speakers - Leadership and Motivational
Top European Speakers European Speakers - Politics and The Economy European Speakers - The Future and Technology
European Speakers - Business and Management European Speakers - TV and Conference Presenters